Amendment 80 on the upcoming Colorado ballot proposes allowing public funds to be used for private school funding. This amendment has raised concerns among public education advocates, [see the official website] as it could divert critical resources away from public schools, potentially leading to decreased funding for teacher salaries, classroom supplies, and support services. Some school districts in Colorado have taken a stance by passing resolutions against the amendment [check out Boulder District’s board resolution] emphasizing their commitment to protecting public education. Learn from other states, like Arizona, which depleted their education funding by allowing private schools to get public school voucher dollars and still prevented certain students in their schools.
Thanks to these districts for passing a resolution AGAINST AMENDMENT 80!
- Greeley District 6
- Jeffco
- Aspen
- Adams 12
- Boulder
- Pueblo District 60
- Wiggins
- Lamar
- Steamboat Springs
- Weld RE 1
- Otis
Here’s why this matters and how other districts can follow the same steps:
The Impact of Passing a Resolution
When a school district passes a resolution against Amendment 80, it sends a powerful message to the community, lawmakers, and other districts. It shows the district’s dedication to maintaining strong public schools and prioritizing equitable access to quality education for all students. Such a resolution can:
- Raise Awareness: It can bring attention to the potential consequences of the amendment and encourage parents, educators, and community members to take action.
- Set a Precedent: When one district passes a resolution, it can inspire others to do the same, creating a unified voice against the amendment.
- Influence Public Opinion and Policy: While resolutions are not legally binding, they can sway public opinion and potentially influence the outcome of the vote.
Steps for a District to Pass a Resolution
If a district is considering making a formal stance against Amendment 80, here’s a step-by-step process to follow:
- Educate and Engage the School Board: Head over to and find or create the team working on this effort in your district! Otherwise contact to get connected.
- Draft the Resolution: Work with legal counsel or policy experts to draft a resolution. The language should clearly state the district’s opposition to Amendment 80 and outline the reasons for taking this position. Lucky YOU! Contact to get a copy of a draft resolution (that has been successfully used to pass in other districts).
- Involve the Community: Engage teachers, parents, and local stakeholders by explaining the issue at school board meetings, through newsletters, and on social media. Community support can add weight to the resolution. Check out this platform
- Vote on the Resolution: Present the resolution at a school board meeting for a formal vote. If possible, schedule this in advance of the election to maximize impact.
- Publicize the Decision: Once the resolution is passed, issue a press release and share the decision on the district’s communication channels to inform the community and encourage dialogue.