Colorado Gives Day 2020 – A letter from Joyce Brooks

Colorado Gives Day, December 8, 2020

Join one of the largest one-day giving movements in the country. Colorado Gives Day is Tuesday, December 8, and features a $1 million Incentive Fund. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the fund, increasing impact and the value of every dollar donated. Colorado Gives Day has grown to be Colorado’s largest one-day online giving event, raising more than $257 million since it began in 2010. It is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. Donations are accepted through

Dear Friend:

Throughout my life, as a student, teacher, school board member, parent and grandparent, I have worked to ensure a great education for each and every student – regardless of race, zip code, nationality or gender. It’s been my life’s work.

So, when I moved to Colorado a few years ago to be with my grandchildren, I decided to use my “retirement” to continue my fight for all students. Having learned that Colorado has the least competitive teacher salaries and the most schools on four-day weeks in the nation, I knew I had to find the place of the greatest, most lasting impact.

I choose Great Education Colorado.

And I’m not alone. Great Ed counts among its supporters thousands of dedicated activists, dozens of education organizations, and luminaries from all parts of the education world. Just look at Great Ed’s Advisory Committee!

Why Great Ed? Because it has established itself as the go-to organization for advocates and organizations who want to give our hardworking educators something that’s been missing for too long: adequate, equitable and sustainable school funding that provides every student with the specific opportunities and supports they need to thrive.

For 16 years, only Great Ed has been building the knowledge base, infrastructure, coalitions, networks, and tools necessary to convince Colorado’s tax policy makers – the voters – to support transformational investment in our public schools.

That’s why, when advocates and organizations get serious about going to the ballot for better school funding, they choose Great Ed.

Whether this would be your first donation ever, your first in a few years, or your second or third this year, I’m asking you to choose Great Ed, with a generous tax-deductible year-end donation.

In my seven decades of activism, I have been elated by bursts of progress and frustrated by setbacks. I have learned this: progress doesn’t happen without sustained, collaborative effort and optimistic leadership that views temporary setbacks as learning and building opportunities.

That’s why I choose Great Education Colorado every day.  And I hope you will, too.


Joyce Brooks
Chair, Great Education Colorado Board of Directors

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