News Category: News
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In a Post-Affirmative Action World, we must double down on public schools
When the Supreme Court ruled earlier this summer that institutions of higher education cannot consider race in their admission decisions, they undermined the concept of “affirmative action,” one of few well-established tools designed to acknowledge and rectify the continuing and tangible legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, and redlining. The term...
News from the Dome
When it comes to school funding at the Capitol this year, the watch words – or the words to watch out for – are "fully funded." Maybe you saw the Chalkbeat headline: "Gov. Jared Polis promises to fully fund Colorado schools within four years." While it's a positive development that the governor is committed...
Great Ed announces 2022 Public Education Voter Slate Click HERE or the image to learn more about each proposition! We're making it easy to navigate the MANY propositions on this year's ballot as they relate to PUBLIC EDUCATION SUPPORTERS!
11th Annual Great Education Colorado Luncheon
This year, the Great Education Colorado Luncheon will be a celebration of the community leaders whose efforts provide pathways for Colorado's students to find their passion, place and purpose in their careers – a critical component of Great Ed's vision of a Colorado where all students graduate prepared to “lead their best...
Statement of the Great Schools Thriving Communities Coalition on Initiative 63
August 8, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS: Tracie Rainey, CO School Finance 303-941-1633 Lisa Weil, Great Education 720-217-6239 Statement of the Great Schools Thriving Communities Coalition on Initiative 63 “It is with profound disappointment that we announce that we will not be submitting signatures for Initiative 63 to...
Initiative 63 Campaign Releases Polling Showing 2-1 Support for Measure
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS: Tracie Rainey, CO School Finance Project July 22, 2022 303-941-1633 Lisa Weil, Great Education Colorado 720-217-6239 Initiative 63 Campaign Releases Polling Showing 2-1 Support for Measure Measure to increase state funding for teachers without increasing tax rates will likely pass in November...
Latest Economic Forecast Shows that Colorado Needs, Can Afford Initiative 63
New data released by the state's economists today confirmed that Colorado's strong economic recovery will allow the state to increase funding for teachers annually by almost $1 billion without any increase in tax rates -- if voters approve Initiative 63. Recently released polling by Magellan Strategies indicates that, if given the opportunity, voters would overwhelmingly...
Great Schools Thriving Communities Coalition Launches Petition for Initiative #63 to Better Support Students & Teachers without Raising Tax Rates
Advocates: “Teachers: We see you. We appreciate you. Help is on the way.” Denver – Stating that Colorado voters should have the opportunity to decide whether they want to harness the state’s economic rebound to address Colorado's teacher shortage, the Great Schools, Thriving Communities (GSTC) Coalition this week launched their...
Great Schools Thriving Communities Coalition Files Measures to Help Districts Attract, Retain and Compensate Teachers, Without Raising Taxes
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 3, 2022 CONTACTS: Tracie Rainey, CO School Finance Project 303-941-1633 Krista Spurgin, Stand for Children CO 303-888-8824 Lisa Weil, Great Education Colorado 720-217-6239 Great Schools Thriving Communities Coalition Files Measures to Help Districts Attract, Retain and Compensate Teachers, Without Raising...